Today is my last day with UnitedHealthcare. I can’t believe I am saying that. I am going through reflection mode as I type this with my next adventure waiting for me just over the horizon. I have been with UnitedHealthcare since 2015 and here it is now 2019. I have gone through a great many transformations over those years all for the betterment of myself as an individual. In that time I transitioned to a leader of a team, leading creatives and agencies to help build the UnitedHealthcare Global brand from the ground up. I got married to my best friend and my champion. Became a proud Dad to one of the most kick-ass kids I’ve every crossed paths with (she pairs nicely with her most excellent big sister). I found a creative family within the walls of UnitedHealth Group that I never knew before and they were the best thing about my job. It’s surreal to have this journey come to a close. It was a long and bumpy road from beginning to end. So many twists, turns, roundabouts and curve-balls. But, I absolutely wouldn’t trade any of them for the world. It helped me figure out how the behind-the-scenes truly works and I am thankful for that experience and growth.
So, with all that said…good afternoon, good evening and good night ladies and gentleman!